- Reutter Porcelain Giftware >
- Reutter Porcelain Miniatures >
- DEAN'S >
- Clemens Bears >
- Katya Bespalova >
- Anna Dazumal >
- Gelibären >
- Natalie Lachnitt >
- Martina Lehr >
Anna Dazumal
"She already made her first teddy bear in 1992. Since 2001 the bears and collector animals find in the style of the "good old days" under the name of Anna Dazumal. Her enthusiasts in all over the world. Whether playful or loved off, a lot of love is given to every creature in the new home."
1 - 5 of 5 results in category "Anna Dazumal" and range "2018 Collections"
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